25 Easy Ways To Become More Eco-friendly In Daily Life
Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which has changed the earth’s climate.
So, in this blog post, you’ll learn 25 ways to go green to protect and make our planet more cleaner and greener than ever.
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What Is Meant By ‘Going Green’?
Going green means a lifestyle of living with minimum impact on the Earth. This means your daily actions (like what you eat, what you use, what you do, etc.) should be sustainable and non-toxic to the environment.
This includes reducing carbon footprint, practicing conservation, waste reduction, choosing sustainable products, and promoting a lifestyle with eco-friendly habits.
Why ‘Going Green’ Is Important?
Going Green is important for several reasons that are Environmental Preservation, Mitigating Climate Change, Protecting Public Health, Promoting Sustainability, Supporting Biodiversity, Conserving Energy, Setting an Example an India and Inspire Other People, Supporting Biodiversity, Promoting Water Conservation, Keep Our Planet Clean and Green, Reducing Waste, and more.
What Are The Ways To Go Green In Daily Lives?
It can not be denied we’re so lucky and blessed that we live on Earth, where we’ve everything to live a convenient and joyful life. Right?
But, we do for Mother Earth?
Here are 25 ways to show your love for mother Earth.
1. Water Conservation
Water is a limited resource on the Earth. Research shows that there are only 0.5% of total water (71%) is available for human use. Without water, life is not possible on the planet. The whole ecosystem is dependent on the water.
That’s why it’s become crucial to save water even a drip. So, water conservation is one of the ways to be an eco-friendly person.
2. Save Energy
Typically, traditional energy is generated by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and other natural gases.
The use of these gases causes the release of Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air, which results in air pollution and global warming.
So cutting unnecessary energy use not only reduces your energy bill, it also helps reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide and other toxic gases into the environment.
3. Cut Plastic Use
Plastics pollution have the biggest impact on the earth. Even a small piece of plastic that is thrown somewhere will last years and pollute the environment by releasing toxic chemicals into its surroundings.
Plastics are not only harmful to soil and animals, it also harmful to human beings. Some specific plastics are more toxic than others.
So, if you truly want to be an eco-conscious person, you need to cut the use of plastic items like carry bags, water bottles, gift covers, etc., from your daily lives.
4. Plant Trees
Due to increasing human population on Earth and their need for habitat, deforestation is a rapidly growing concern.
People are cutting trees for land and other woodwork uses. This all things reduces the volume of trees on Earth.
The importance of trees on Earth is vital as they absorb toxic carbon dioxide gas from the environment, results we get a more fresh oxygen and environment to live in.
So, plant a tree, give it proper care, and grow it into a big giant tree that helps humans and Earth to survive.
5. Choose Green Energy Sources
As we already know, energies are typically generated uding fossil fuels, and every unit of energy you use in your home can impact the environment.
Fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, and other gases release toxic gases when they’re burned or used, which further aids in global warming.
But, fortunately, you have an alternative source of generating energy for your home rather than the traditional method.
You can install a home solar or wind power energy generation system for clean energy sources that have no or least impact on the environment.
6. Bring your Own Tote
Every time you go to market bring your tote so you can avoid buying buying single-use plastic bags.
This simple thing can have a big impact when it comes to waste reduction.
You can buy a reusable bag made of high-quality eco-friendly materials for long-lasting use.
And carry it every time you visit the market to buy vegetables, clothes, beverages, and anything thats demands a bag.
7. Choose Organic
We’re living in a world where most of the things we use or consume contain harmful chemicals.
Those chemicals are harmful to the environment and health too.
You can choose organic foods, cosmetics, and materials to avoid health issues while protecting our environment from those toxic chemicals at the same time.
8. Local Buying
Rather than buying a product from a long distance that uses expensive transportation and packaging, please try to buy it from your nearest local market which helps save energy and packaging waste.
Moreover, local buying supports local farmers, shopkeepers, and local businesses that create jobs and fosters economic growth.
9. Recycle
Recycling old products or items significantly helps reducing pollution in landfills.
When buying anything look for a recycle symbol to ensure that it will be recycled after being used.
Look for the recycle symbol as possible when you buy something such as water bottles, plastic bags, cardboard, or any items.
Recycling helps reduce the use of virgin materials, resulting in resource conservation.
10. Buy Reusable Items
One-time-use items like plastic bags, plastic water bottles, etc., create huge waste that pollutes the environment.
You can reduce huge waste by only buying reusable items.
So instead of buying plastic water bottles, bring your own reusable water bottle every time to avoid buying single-use when needed.
Another thing that creates huge waste is plastic bags, so to takle it you should bring a reusable bag every time you’re going for marketing.
11. Gardening
Growing your own fresh vegetables is a great practice towards eco-friendly living. It helps you reduce your carbon footprint from the earth.
So invest some time in gardening out of your busy schedule. This is a great step to go green while having fresh food to eat.
12. Drive Less
Cars release carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the environment. However, it doesn’t mean to stop using cars and other fuel vehicles.
But, you can avoid when there is short distance to cover.
You can either walk or choose eco-friendly alternatives like cycle to reach the destination.
13. Minimal Buying
Many people buy more than they actually need. This only creates waste. By practicing minimal buying you can save money as well as the Earth.
So when you’re in the market for weekly grocery shopping or to buy anything, only finalize and buy the things you need or that put some value in your life.
14. Use Public Transport
As the population is increasing, the demand for cars and private vehicles is also increasing which we can see on the roads.
Traveling with your own private car might be cool and sophisticated, but this is helping our Earth to die.
The more cars are on the roads, the more they release carbon dioxide, which pollutes the environment and promotes global warming.
That’s why everyone needs to be mindful and needs to give their private vehicles to rest.
In short, change your test sometimes by choosing public transport.
15. Flight Less
Flights are one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases like Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.
So, opting for fewer flights can help you reduce your carbon footprint.
You can look for other least impactful travel such as buses, trains, and other public transport whenever possible.
16. Switch to LED bulbs
LED bulbs are more energy-efficient than any other type of bulbs, so far. This type of bulb uses less energy still being brighter than others.
Moreover, LED bulbs typically last longer, so you don’t need to replace them frequently, resulting in less waste creation.
So choose LED bulbs for lighting your home, party, or any event, which saves energy and promotes sustainable living.
17. Composting
Composting means turning your kitchen scrapes on gold for your garden or agricultural land.
This means every time you peel potatoes, prepare vegetables, and more., save that organic waste in a composting Bin, which can be used as nutrition for your garden and helps grow your vegetables more effectively.
Alternatively, you can also give those waste to local farmers for free (for which they’ll thankful for you)
18. Smart Thermostats
Smart Thermostats use advanced technology that takes less energy to heat up the home temperature.
They learn from your preferences, optimize energy usage, and provide you cozy temperature while reducing energy use and costs.
19. Mindful Eating
Mindful eating simply means a recipe for a greener planet. It involves buying local foods, choosing organic, and reducing the consumption of red meat.
20. Repair Instead of Replace
Sometimes a repair can give life to old items that think it is old and damaged. This simple thing can help you reduce your waste on Earth as well as save your money from investing in new ones.
21. Upcycling
Upcycling is the process of giving a new life to old products. Instead of throwing old items, discover ways to upcycle or transform them into a brand-new item. This will be a great way to reduce your negative impact on Earth.
22. Eco-travel
Eco-travel means a way of traveling that has no or minimum negative impact on the environment.
This involves choosing public transport, buying eco-friendly travel accessories, not throwing waste somewhere while traveling, preferring local, and more.
23. Educate Others
Educate your neighbors, colleagues, friends, family members, and your kids about eco-friendliness and its importance. Be the reason for the good change in family members and society.
24. Green Investment
If you truly want to bring change to the world, be a green investor. The more people invest in green industries (produce sustainable products and items), the more they expand.
This helps increase the production and availability of green items that can replace traditional items. So ultimately more people choose eco-friendly products in their daily lives.
25. Community Cleanups
Don’t be afraid, take part in community cleanups for positive change. This simple thing can make you feel proud of yourself.
What Are The Benefits Of Going Green?
To motivate you towards green living, I have shared 30 benefits that we can experience if we all become environmentally conscious.
Going Green Leads To Less Pollution
1. Reduce Environmental Pollution
If we all go green and commit to not polluting the environment, environmental pollution will decrease drastically and improve the overall atmosphere.
As we know how pollution plays a vital role in damaging the environment and lives (humans, animals, marine lives, etc.). We have to be environmentally conscious and try to not pollute the environment as much as possible.
2. Reduce Water Pollution
Because of our non-environmentally friendly lifestyle and businesses, our rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans are drowning in waste, chemicals, plastics, and other pollutants, causing severe water pollution to the water bodies.
Meanwhile, our drinkable or freshwater sources are getting less because of the increased pollution in water.
According to United Nations.org, Unsafe or polluted water kills more people every year than war and all other violence combined. So going green results in less surface water pollution.
3. Reduce Air Pollution
The obvious benefit of going green is it helps to improve the air quality. As we become more conscious about the environment and reduce our impact, thus we could benefit from more fresh and clean air. You can learn some possible ways to reduce your pollution from the air.
4. Reduce Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution has a huge impact on the environment. It is not only one of the toxic pollutants on Earth, but it can also become the reason for rising global warming and climate change.
There are possible and easy ways you can reduce your plastic use and its impact on the Earth as you’re an environmentally conscious person.
5. Reduce Soil Pollution
Going green reduces soil pollution as we are adopting more chemical-free or Earth-friendly products. And also proper disposal of waste will reduce toxicity from the soil.
Going Green Leads To Less Waste
6. Less Energy Waste
Reducing your energy usage not only decreases your energy bill but is also good for the environment. Reducing and switching to renewable energy sources like Solar energy helps you to generate power without harming the environment.
So you need to save your energy usage at home and try to install solar panels that are the best and most reliable green energy sources without much cost.
The main benefit of using home solar for electricity is that it doesn’t release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, and it can be effective in powering a single home.
So going Green makes us aware of saving energy and using green energy sources that are beneficial for the environment and also save a few bucks in the energy bill.
7. Less Water Waste
Freshwater scarcity is a growing issue in many countries. There are billions of people around the world who experience a lack of fresh water in their daily lives.
So here, what we can do to go green is to prevent ourselves from wasting water at home or anywhere possible; this will help us to save or conserve natural resources (water).
8. Less Food Waste
The rise in global food waste is one of the concern issues in the world. Those foods would have been a lifesaver for millions of poor people.
Also, the money and resources (labour, land, water, seeds, fertilizer, transportation fares, and more) that were invested to produce and supply those foods could have been beneficial for the growth of the Economy.
Moreover, food waste is also linked to climate change because it generates significant greenhouse gases like Methane when it ends up in landfills.
So, practicing zero food waste is not only gonna save your dollars but also save the Environment and help to Economy.
Going Green Leads To Better Conservation
9. You Save Energy
Burning fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for rising global warming and climate change since it releases harmful emissions.
So there are numerous ways you can wisely save your unnecessary electricity usage at home and anywhere.
And saving energy also helps to reduce the burning of fossil fuels that releases greenhouse gases in the environment.
10. You Save Water
Save Water, Save Life! I think everyone has heard about this phrase. But how many of us save water? Very few!
However, saving water is a need to save lives because if there is no water, there is no possibility of life too.
So we have to be mindful while using water. And we need to learn some possible ways to save our unnecessary water usage.
11. You Save Environment
The main need for going green is to protect the environment from degradation and make our Earth more greener and healthier.
Going Green Leads To Lower Your Cost
12. Saves In Your Energy Bill
Of course, if you don’t waste Energy, it will minus your energy bill. So here we can say that going green reduce energy bill.
13. Saves In Your Water Bill
Obviously, if you do not waste water, it will save on your water bill. Going green helps to reduce your water bill along with conserving water at the same time.
14. Lower Your Food Cost
Yes, if you avoid creating food waste, it will definitely minus your food cost. You, as an Environmentally friendly person, need to learn some ideas to reduce food waste at home.
Going Green Leads You To Choose Organic:
15. You Choose Organic Food
An eco-friendly person is more likely to choose organic over chemical food and supplements that are good for their health and the environment.
16. You Choose Chemical-Free Products
Going green inspires you to avoid using chemical products that are toxic to the environment. And may choose biodegradable or chemical-free items to reduce your chemical waste in the environment.
Going Green Leads To Healthier Lives
17. Better For Our Health
Choosing organic food, using chemical-free products, reducing pollution, and more things lead to a healthy life.
18. Leads to a Peaceful Mind
If our surroundings are pollution-free and greener, it definitely helps us to keep our minds calm and happy.
19. Less Diseases
The more we pollute the environment and use toxic things the more diseases we have to face. So going green and keeping our environment healthy lets us have happy lives to live.
20. You Can Save Other Lives Too
Reducing pollution and keeping our Earth healthy is not only beneficial for human lives but it also advantageous to many other lives (animals, birds, marine life, etc.).
Going Green Leads To Economic Growth
21. You Choose Local & Organic
When you go green, you start choosing local and organic foods and products to support your commitment.
22. You Practice Zero Waste
An environmentally conscious person typically creates less waste than a typical person.
Going Green Helps To Improve Environment
23. Slowdown Climate Change
Going green significantly helps prevent various climate issues.
24. Beneficial Against Global Warming
Reducing carbon footprint helps slow down global warming as a result we have a fresh environment to live in.
25. You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
An eco-friendly person continuously puts efforts to minimize their carbon emissions on the environment.
Going Green Leads To a Better Future
26. Our Earth Becomes More Healthier
Of course, when we reduce our pollution, our planet becomes healthier and greener.
27. Clean & Green Planet For Our Future Generations
We all choose to live without hurting the planet, it can foster a brighter future and joyful environment.
Going Green Leads To Self-Awareness:
28.You’re self-reliable
A Green person will find a way to self-sufficiency by practicing small things like Gardening, small farming, rain water harvesting, green energy generations, green transportations, and more.
29. More Self-aware Childrens
Yes, going green can make your kids aware about environment and other important aspects of relation between life and environment.
30. Feel Of Pride
Last, going green allows us to feel self-pride for the deeds we’re doing for our Mother ‘Earth‘.
So above are some ways by which you can treat fare for Mother Earth.
However, there are unlimited ways by which you can be an eco-friendly person. But, don’t take over stress, do what is possible for you to protect our planet in your daily lives.
But, these are the things I hope from you:
- Practice conservation (water, energy, forest)
- Avoid single-use items (plastic polythene, water bottle, packaging, etc.)
- Planting & Gardening (grow at least one tree in your entire life)
- Zero Waste (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
- Educate and Influence others for good change.
Ecosankalp.in is a leading sustainability blog in India. Our mission is to inspire and guide Indians towards a greener, healthier lifestyle. We aim to provide easy, practical tips for reducing waste, saving energy, and making sustainable choices every day. By sharing stories, ideas, and resources, we hope to build a community committed to protecting our beautiful planet for future generations. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, greener world to live!