7 Waste Disposal Problems and Their Effective Solutions

Proper waste management will be one of the greatest steps we have ever take to keep our planet healthy. However, this cannot be seen in reality, nowadays!

I often see overflowing waste in landfills due to improper disposal of waste by the people. This has became a serious issue in India that must need to address with effective initiatives by the community and the government.

Here I’ve come up with major waste disposal problems with their effective solutions, so let’s move ahead!

Major Reasons Behind Improper Waste Disposal

The reasons behind improper waste disposal practices include lack of awareness, systematic fault, and behavioral factors. Here are some that I’ve discussed:

1. Lack Of Awareness About Waste Management

In India, many people still fail to manage their waste properly and are not aware of the negative impact of improper waste disposal on the environment and their health. This will make them slack while treating their daily waste, as a result, most waste ends up polluting the environment.

Furthermore, lack of knowledge also stops them from practicing waste segregation which is an important step in waste management. And, without proper waste segregation, recycling and proper disposal become way more challenging.

2. Convenience and Habits:

This is also one of the major reasons. Some people are slaves of their own comfort zone. They’re always on the hunt for easy ways to do their tasks.

From tossing trash out of car windows, littering in public spaces, or dumping waste in vacant lots are some of the examples of those lazy aka selfish people.

3. Population Growth and Urbanization:

India is one of the rapidly developing countries. However, this industrialization and urbanization also bring several environmental challenges that include large amounts of waste generation and improper disposal. Furthermore, the increasing population also exacerbates the challenges of proper waste disposal.

4. Poor Laws and Regulations

Lack of strict rules and regulations is a potential reason for improper waste disposal by the citizens.

Waste in streets, sidewalks, vacant spaces, etc., are signs that tell people are not taking serious about the rules and regulations set by the government for waste management.

5. Lack Of Advanced Technologies

In many regions, they still use antiquated disposal methods instead of leveraging advanced technologies that could be effective and efficient.

This results in poor waste handling, inefficient garbage disposal, and poor recycling as old technology may lack for these purposes.

6. Insufficient Waste Management Infrastructure

Inadequate infrastructure for waste management contributes to improper waste disposal. Most populated countries like India typically require more waste facilities and infrastructure.

However, lacking in waste collection services, recycling facilities, and sanitary landfill sites may result in open dumping, burning, or littering of waste in different regions in India.

7. No Proper Recycling

The majority of people don’t even know not all waste is actually waste, many waste are recycled or repurposed. They lack waste segregation (separating different types of waste) which could be beneficial for effective recycling and make the disposal process much easier.

Effective Solutions of Improper Waste Disposal

These solutions involves addressing the root cause of improper garbage disposal and importance of educating and spreading awareness to adapt sustainable practices by the people in India.

1. Investment in Infrastructure

Improvement in waste collection systems, recycling facilities, sewage sludge, and overall waste disposal infrastructure can improve the disposal standards in India.

Investment in sanitary landfills, dustbins in public places, and workers (for garbage collection, transfer, and disposal) can gradually eliminate improper waste disposal.

2. Education and Awareness

The government and environmental NGO’s need to raise awareness about waste management through effective public awareness campaigns, school programs, and outreaching communities. It is essential for promoting behavioral change.

Educating people on different topics of waste management such as how to reduce waste, how to recycle, waste segregation, and methods to dispose each type of waste properly could be helpful to fight against improper garbage disposal.

3. Government Actions

The laxity in government actions on improper waste disposal is the major reason that exacerbates fly tipping or illegal dumping in our country.

The rules and regulations should be strict and need to control and monitor illegal activities that can harm the environment.

4. Recycling

We already discussed, not all waste are actually waste, some are recyclable or should be reused to give a new life.

The materials like papers, carboards, some plastic items, glass products, metal products, electronics, etc., needs to separate for recycling.

They’re highly recyclable materials and can easily sold in Kabaad (कबाड़) with good rates such paper (Rs. 20 per kg), used plastic items (Rs. 5 per kg), glass scrapes (Rs. 4 per kg), metal scrapes (Rs. 30 kg).

In short, recycling drastically helps reduce waste sent to landfills, easily turn into cash, and helps conserve valuable resources.

5. Composting

Composting is an amazing way to dispose waste at home. However, you can only compost some specific type of waste or waste that are biodegradable such food scrapes, paper products, leaves, and other organic waste.

These waste are easily turn into nutrition-rich organic fertilizer that can be used for farming or gardening. This way, we can reduce waste in landfills, avoid emitting methane gas (a toxic GHG) in environment, and create organic fertilizer.

6. Advanced Technology Adaptions

Investment in innovative waste management technologies such as waste-to-energy facilities, anaerobic digestion, and advanced recycling technologies can significantly improve waste handling efficiency.

They’re more effective on recovering valuable materials and minimize the actual waste. This way, reduce the amount of improper waste disposal.

7. Circular Economy Principles

This principle refers to adopting sustainable business approach while manufacturing products, for example, producing more durable, reusable, and recyclable products instead of single-use items. This eliminates the need for waste disposal, conserve resources, and aids in economy.

However, users also needs to have the same approach, meaning, needs to practice waste reducing, reusing, and recycling to support this business model.

8. Community Engagement

Community clean-ups, educational campaigns, and other forms of community engagement can motivate, inspire, and motivate others for behavior change. This helps aware community, builds a strong relationship, and engage peoples in ground work for proper waste management.

9. Sustainable Practices By Industries

This point refers to improper waste disposal by factories or industries. They’re typically large that requires attention of the government and NGO’s.

The businesses needs to take more sustainable approach for waste disposal. Factories waste into rivers and illegal dumping needs to be stopped.

10. Eco-friendly Living

Adopting a sustainable habits by individuals and businesses is the most prominent solution for improper waste disposal.

An eco-friendly lifestyle promotes minimalist and mindful approach to live a fulfilled life that can help reduce our carbon footprint or negative impact in the ecosystem.

What Are The Problems Of Improper Waste Disposal?

There are several negative consequences of Improper Waste Disposal that also includes health issues:

1. Increase in Pollution: Improper waste disposal leads to more pollution in the environment. Waste like single-use plastics, broken glass, e-waste, batteries, hazardous waste, etc., need to be disposed of properly, otherwise they can harm the environment very badly.

2. Health Risks: When one dumps waste in landfills, it releases harmful chemicals and toxins over time that can leech into water, soil, and air and contaminate them very badly. When one consumes contaminated water or air, he/she may have to face health issues. Furthermore, improper waste disposal also kills millions of birds, reptiles, animals, and marine life. We need to think that the harmful substances that contain the piece of waste can kill many innocent animals (like cows, and dogs) when they consume them.

3. Habitat Destruction: Improper waste disposal can disrupt lives nearby, as no one wants to be around a polluted area. Furthermore, waste disposal on open grounds can directly cause the loss of wildlife habitats, kill many trees and greens, and disrupt natural habitats and ecosystems.

4. Soil Degradation: Inappropriate waste disposal can press on soil and make them infertile. In India, where the majority of people depend on agriculture, it becomes crucial to properly take care of waste and avoid them to end up in landfills.

5. Aesthetic and Social Impacts: The mismanaged waste and improper waste disposal look unsightly and can significantly impact the beauty of our country and environment, causing tourism opportunities and economic growth. Additionally, they emit foul odours can make anyone irritated and hateful that negatively impact the quality of life for nearby communities

6. Resource Depletion: When waste is not properly managed and segregated, many valuable materials will end up in landfills that could be recycled and reused to make new products. If done properly, this can reduce the demand for virgin materials, thereby conserving resources and promoting a circular economy.

7. Legal and Regulatory Challenges: The Government has set the rules for waste disposal and management of each type of waste in India. If anyone finds violating the rules, he/she may have to face legal issues. So, yes improper waste disposal leads to legal and regulatory challenges.


In conclusion, let’s recap the key points on solution of improper waste disposal.

  • Practicing Zero Waste: Living a zero waste lifestyle will be an effective solution of improper garbage disposal. This lifestyle encompasses reducing, reusing, and recycling for minimization of waste and need for disposal. You can achieve this by choosing reusable and recyclable products in your day-to-day life.
  • Sanitary Landfill: Sanitary landfills that are carefully engineered and designed by choosing right site selection that doesn’t contaminant water, soil, and prevents affecting public health will be beneficial.
  • Composting: Composting is a sustainable way to decompose organic waste and make nutrition-rich fertilizer.
  • Recycling: By recycling materials that are recyclable, it can be eliminated the need for disposal.

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